Understanding Symptoms
You are currently watching a preview of this interview. Unlock the full version by upgrading to an Access Pass bundle! Get FREE access to 8 expert interviews from Day 1 and Day 2 when you register today!
Key Questions
- Why are the symptoms so variable not just with each individual, but often attack to attack?
- Is this wide variety unique to migraine? Or does it occur in other conditions?
- How can you recognize when something is a symptom of the migraine attack or maybe the treatment itself?
- Are there any symptoms that can persist between attacks? I.e. light sensitivity or vertigo or tinnitus?
- Are these (interictal) symptoms treated the same way as a migraine attack?
- How might symptoms be helpful? (I.e. to help intervene or treat early in an incoming attack)
- It is common for new symptoms to appear later in life? If so, why?
- What is the relationship between migraine and seizures?
- Why would a woman start to have migraine attacks later in life?
- Can high-pressure headache resolve on its own?
- Does migraine with aura increase stroke and heart attack? Who is the risk highest? What are the risk factors? How significant is the risk?
- And several more questions from the audience
The Migraine World Summit will be running a live expert webinar EVERY DAY during the June Replay of the 2020 Migraine World Summit, June 10 – 19
Webinar Access
Live attendance for each webinar will be available exclusively for those who purchased an All Access, VIP, or Box Set Pass for the 2020 Migraine World Summit. This is a special opportunity for customers to connect with a different expert each day, engage in live Q&A, and interact with other participants and Summit hosts.
If you didn’t buy an Access Pass, don’t worry! The recording of each webinar will be shared with the entire Migraine World Summit community on this page shortly after the live event takes place, allowing everyone to take advantage of the important information presented during that day’s webinar.
This is our way to recognize those who have supported the 2020 Migraine World Summit financially while making sure our entire community has access to critical information about the changes taking place in the migraine community and beyond.
Webinar Lineup
Each day during the Replay period, the live webinar will take place at 5:00 pm Eastern Time (New York).
Here’s the lineup for the webinar topics:
- 5:00 pm (ET) June 10 – Mental Health & Building Resilience
- 5:00 pm (ET) June 11 – Understanding Causes
- 5:00 pm (ET) June 12 – COVID-19 Considerations for Migraine Patients
- 5:00 pm (ET) June 13 – Understanding Symptoms
- 5:00 pm (ET) June 14 – Understanding Triggers
- 5:00 pm (ET) June 15 – Non-Drug Options
- 5:00 pm (ET) June 16 – New Treatments
- 5:00 pm (ET) June 17 – Telemedicine
- 5:00 pm (ET) June 18 – Finding Calm in a Crisis
- 5:00 pm (ET) June 19 – The Role of Self Management
Don’t miss out! Get your access pass here to attend the live expert webinars.

Deborah Friedman, MD, MPH, FAAN, FAHS
Neuro-Ophthalmologist & Headache Specialist
Yellow Rose Headache & Neuro-Ophthamology
Dr. Deborah Friedman is a neurologist specializing in headache medicine and neuro-ophthalmology in Dallas. She was the founding director of the Headache and Facial Pain Program and Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Program at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She is board certified in neurology and headache medicine, and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, the American Headache Society (AHS), the American Neurological Association, and the North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society (NANOS).
She served on the board of directors for the AHS and the Southern Headache Society, as a past president of NANOS, and on the steering committee for the Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Treatment Trial. She has published over 130 articles in peer-reviewed journals and 27 book chapters. Her key interests are intracranial pressure disorders, migraine, and cluster headache.

Purchase full access to the entire 2024 Summit. Includes:
- All expert interviews with separate audio (MP3) files & transcripts
- Lifetime on-demand access with no annual fee to 2024 Summit
- Interview Summaries
- Treatment Guidelines
- And much more!
Related Talks for: Day 4 (2020) Symptoms
Disabling Nausea and Cyclical Vomiting
Amy Gelfand, MD
Understanding Migraine-Related Mood Disorders
Steven M. Baskin, PhD
Pain, Memory and Migraine
Jack D. Schim, MD
Autoimmune Diseases and Facial Pain
Hossein Ansari, MD
MRF is a 501(c)(3) charity that raises money to award grants to researchers from around the world who are working to discover the causes, improve the treatments, and find a cure for migraine.
Get 25% off at axonoptics.com when you use the code MWS25. Axon Optics develops eyewear with proprietary filters that block the wavelengths of light implicated in triggering and aggravating migraine attacks and light sensitivity.
Over 90% of people with migraine report a sensitivity to light. Axon eyewear has been shown to reduce headache impact by 24% and light sensitivity impact by 38%.
Thousands wear Axon Optics. A recent customer stated “Attacks went from literally every day of the week to at worse once to twice per month.”

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