The World’s Largest Educational Event for Migraine Patients Expands to Spanish-Speaking Audiences

23 August 2024

After nine years of tremendous success, the Migraine World Summit is set to open its virtual doors to a new audience—the Spanish-speaking world. This milestone marks the launch of the first-ever Spanish Migraine World Summit, featuring 32 of the world’s leading experts on migraine and headache disorders. To date, more than half a million people globally have participated in the English-language Summit, and organizers are thrilled to extend this vital resource to even more people in 2024.

Starting on 13 September 2024, at 9:00 AM Eastern Time (ET), the Spanish Migaine World Summit will provide free access to each session for 24 hours in every time zone, ensuring global participation. The event will conclude on 20 September.

Paula K. Dumas and Carl Cincinnato, both renowned patient advocates, lead the event by interviewing top migraine experts from around the globe. These experts are deeply involved in seeking solutions to one of the world’s most disabling conditions. Migraine, a neurological disease affecting 1 in 7 adults, is often misunderstood and undertreated, resulting in a substantial burden on individuals and society. 

“The Migraine World Summit equips people with the latest information on prevention and treatment, empowering them to become informed and effective self-advocates,” said Carl Cincinnato, Founder of the Migraine World Summit. “Migraine is much more than ‘just a headache.’ It can be a debilitating neurological condition for people who deserve better support and effective treatment.”

Paula K. Dumas, event co-host, emphasized the Migraine World Summit’s broader mission: “Our goal is to reduce the global burden of migraine. Far too few people have access to specialists with the latest insights. Through the Migraine World Summit, we aim to bridge that gap, providing essential information so patients can secure the diagnosis, support, and treatment they need.”

Azul De Pol, the Argentinian-born Spanish Event Director for the Summit, shared her personal connection: “The expert interviews at the Migraine World Summit transformed my journey with chronic migraine. These world-leading experts, many from prestigious institutions like Harvard Medical School, Mayo Clinic, and the International Headache Society, are at the forefront of research and treatment development.”

The expert interviews will cover a wide range of topics, including the latest medications, emerging research, innovative devices, complementary and alternative approaches, nutritional strategies, treatment risks, and practical relief options.

Proceeds from the Summit benefit migraine research and support organizations worldwide, including the American Migraine Foundation, National Headache Foundation, Migraine & Headache Australia, and The Migraine Trust.

Participation in the eight-day Migraine World Summit is free and fully online from 13-20 September 2024. To register, visit

About Migraine

Migraine is a debilitating and painful neurological disease that is under-recognized, undertreated and frequently misunderstood as “just a headache.” Despite 1 in 7 people living with this incapacitating condition worldwide,² finding access to qualified healthcare professionals can be difficult. In addition, because migraine is so often misunderstood, there is stigma associated with publicly admitting to having the disease, especially in professional settings where it can be perceived to compromise work performance.

About Migraine World Summit

The mission of the Migraine World Summit is to reduce the global burden of migraine through education and fundraising. Each year, patient advocates Carl Cincinnato and Paula K. Dumas interview over 30 leading migraine experts, doctors and specialists from around the world to provide free, unprecedented access to the latest science in migraine and answer the most difficult questions for patients in desperate need of relief. To date, more than 550,000 people have participated in the Migraine World Summit to discover how to better manage the disease.

In 2024, patients will hear from renowned experts at organizations such as Harvard, Yale and Mayo Clinic covering topics including the benefits of mediation on brain training, new therapeutic options, breaking research and a safety update on several medications and supplements.

Proceeds help benefit migraine research and support through organizations like American Migraine Foundation, Migraine Research Foundation, Migraine & Headache Australia and the National Headache Foundation.

Participation in the 9-day Migraine World Summit is free and online from March 6-13, 2024, and available to order thereafter. To register, go to

1) Goldberg, Lawrence D. The Cost of Migraine and Its Treatment. Am J Manag Care. 2005;11:S62-S67
2) Steiner TJ et al. Migraine: the seventh disabler. The Journal of Headache and Pain 2013, 14:1.

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