Dodging False Promises and Treatment Claims
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Key Questions
- What does history teach us about the pursuit of migraine cures?
- Why is it easy to fall victim to quackery and unscientific “cures”?
- What is pseudoscience?
- Why is it sometimes difficult to use the scientific method to study the efficacy of a treatment?
- What is the placebo response and how significant is it?
- How much trust should we place in social media treatment claims?
- Is cannabis a proven effective treatment for migraine?
- Is the ketogenic diet safe?
- What is the best way to evaluate a new treatment?
- How might the use of alternative treatments lead to the neglect of scientifically proven treatments?
- What are some evidence-based alternative treatments?
- Why are nerve blocks used in North America if there is limited evidence?
- Why are some treatments listed in guidelines while others are not?
- What are the problems with migraine surgeries?
Interview Notes
Find more about Elizabeth Leroux, MD, FRCPC and her work here:

Elizabeth Leroux, MD, FRCPC
Headache Specialist
Montreal Neurological Clinic, Canada
Dr. Elizabeth Leroux is a well-respected headache neurologist currently practicing at the Montreal Neurological Clinic. Previous affiliations include the Montreal University Headache Clinic and the University of Calgary’s Calgary Headache Assessment and Management Program (CHAMP).
Dr. Leroux is past president of the Canadian Headache Society, the founder and chair of Migraine Canada, and the founder of Migraine Quebec. She is the designer of the Canadian Migraine Tracker app, and lead of the Continuing Medical Education (CME) mastermind program on migraine. Her current focus includes therapeutic education, cluster headache, vestibular migraine, and patient advocacy.

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