Difficult Diagnoses: Rare Headache Types

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Key Questions
  • What is new daily persistent headache?
  • What is the difference between new daily persistent headache and chronic migraine?
  • Is new daily persistent headache a primary or a secondary headache?
  • What is hypnic headache, or sleep headache?
  • Are there any triggers for hypnic headache?
  • What is cluster headache, and how is it treated?
  • What is hemicrania continua?
  • How can hemicrania continua be differentiated from cluster headache or new daily persistent headache?
  • Does hemicrania continua have a cure?
  • What is hemiplegic migraine?
  • How can hemiplegic migraine be differentiated from stroke?
  • Is there a known genetic cause for hemiplegic migraine?
  • What is thunderclap headache?
  • Why aren’t there many clinical trials of medications for the rare headache types?
  • What is migraine with brain stem aura?
  • What is primary cough headache?
Interview Notes
Shuu-Jiun Wang, MD

Shuu-Jiun Wang, MD

Neurologist and Director
The Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital

Dr. Shuu-Jiun Wang is a practicing neurologist and director of the Neurological Institute, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and the chair, professor and director of the Brain Research Center, National Yang-Ming University. Currently he is the chair of the Asian Regional Consortium of Headache. He was the president of the Taiwan Neurological Society from 2017 to 2019, and the founding president of the Taiwan Headache Society from 2005-2011. He serves as an associate editor of the journals Cephalalgia, Headache, and The Journal of Headache and Pain and others.

Dr. Wang was awarded the Bruce S. Schoenberg International Neuroepidemiology Award by the American Academy of Neurology in Washington DC in 1994, the Seymour Solomon Lecture Award by the American Headache Society in LA in 2010, the G. Nappi Cluster Headache Award by the European Headache Society, 5th European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress (EHMTIC) in Glasgow, UK in 2016, and the MacDonald Critchley Lecture Award by the Migraine Trust in London in 2020. He was also presented with the Outstanding Research Award by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan in 2012 and 2018. Dr. Wang has authored more than 400 scientific papers. He enjoys teaching students, and in 2011 was awarded the Outstanding in Teaching Award by National Yang-Ming University and the 2018 Medical Education Contribution Award by the Taipei Veterans General Hospital. He is interested in clinical and neuroimaging research of different headache disorders focusing on chronic migraine, cluster headache, reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndromes and spontaneous intracranial hypotension.

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