Protecting Our Kids: Navigating Migraine at School
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Key Questions
- ¿Qué es Migraine at School y qué recursos proporciona?
- ¿Cómo pueden los padres abogar por sus hijos de edad escolar con migraña
- ¿Qué adaptaciones pueden hacer las escuelas para los estudiantes con migraña?
- ¿Cómo pueden los profesionales de la salud ayudar a las familias a obtener adaptaciones en la escuela?
- ¿Cuáles son los síntomas más comunes de la migraña en niños?
- ¿Cómo pueden los padres crear un plan de salud para su hijo con migraña?
- ¿Por qué es crucial educar a las escuelas sobre la migraña?
- ¿Cuáles son algunas formas en la que las escuelas pueden trabajar con estudiantes con enfermedad de migraña?
- ¿Qué es un plan 504 y cómo apoya a los estudiantes que lidian con la migraña?
- ¿Cuáles son los próximos pasos para la iniciativa Migraine at School?
Interview Notes
- Migraine at School
- CHAMP (Coalition for Headache and Migraine Patients)
- Association of Migraine Disorders
- Article: Connection Between Migraine and Colic
- Danielle Byron Henry Migraine Foundation
- The Pediatric and Adolescent Migraine Screen (PAMS) Tool
- Migraine Toolbox CME
- HeadEd at CHAMP
- 504 Education Plans
- Section 504 for College Students
Treatments Mentioned
- 504 Plan or IEP (Individualized Education Plan)
- Glasses (light protection)
- Meditation
- SEEDS (Sleep, Exercise, Eat Healthy, Diary & Stress Management)
- Quiet, dark room
- Yoga
Please note: The Migraine World Summit’s aim is to bring you a variety of perspectives and expertise, independent of bias or judgment. Alternative theories presented in this video have not been medically reviewed. Views expressed in this interview do not necessarily represent the views of the Migraine World Summit. Please always consult your health care professional and do your own research before making changes to your treatment plan.
This is a Spanish translation of an expert interview from the Migraine World Summit 2024. All interviews have been carefully translated and medically reviewed.
Nota editorial: En la entrevista, Amy Graham hace referencia a “consejeros” en el contexto de la escuela. El rol de un consejero en las escuelas en Estados Unidos es escuchar las preocupaciones de los estudiantes sobre problemas académicos, emocionales o sociales. Ayudar a los estudiantes a procesar sus problemas y a planificar metas y acciones. Mediar en los conflictos entre estudiantes y maestros. Mejorar las relaciones entre padres y maestros.

Amy Graham
Migraine at School
With a profound commitment to empowering the next generation, Amy Graham brings over two decades of expertise as a creative nonprofit leader. Her unwavering dedication to grassroots organizing and program development has transformed the output of organizations she has led.
Thanks to her exceptional leadership approach in leading LiveFeed, an organization that utilized the music community to address childhood hunger, she was awarded the esteemed Washington University Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation Award.
With a strong dedication to empowering underprivileged communities and ensuring that every child has the chance to succeed, she is utilizing her personal experience with migraine as the driving force behind her leadership of the Migraine at School initiative.

Purchase full access to the entire 2024 Summit. Includes:
- All expert interviews with separate audio (MP3) files & transcripts
- Lifetime on-demand access with no annual fee to 2024 Summit
- Interview Summaries
- Treatment Guidelines
- And much more!
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Migraine Buddy is the #1 headache and migraine tracking application. Recommended by the best neurologists in the world, we empower our users to learn and communicate about their condition. Our community of 2.8 million contribute to migraine awareness and research.

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