Day 6 (2024)
Somos la Coalición Nacional de Fibromialgia (FM), Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica/Encefalomielitis Miálgica (SFC/EM), Sensibilidad Química Múltiple (SQM) y Electrohipersensibilidad (EHS), una entidad sin ánimo de lucro, constituida desde el año 2004. Representamos a más de 11.000 pacientes a través de más de 60 asociaciones de diferentes tipos: entidades nacionales, federaciones autonómicas y asociaciones regionales o autonómicas.
Nuestro compromiso es representar y defender los derechos e intereses globales de las personas que sufren FM, SFC/EM, SQM y EHS, así como de sus familiares. Esta representación es tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, ante la sociedad, administraciones y demás Instituciones, integrando e impulsando las acciones de las entidades a las que representa y aquellas que persiguen los mismos fines.
Migraine doesn't have to derail your career. Nearly every workplace in the country is impacted by migraine disease through absenteeism and presenteeism. Despite the prevalence of the disease, there is a lack of education and awareness around it. In the workplace, this often leads to unintended stigma and bias against employees living with migraine disease. Visit our website to learn more about programs available for both employees and employers.
You're not alone. All of us know someone who could benefit from these expert insights. Invite a friend, family member, caregiver, co-worker or health care provider to watch this year. Give the gift of health with an All Access Pass. Sharing is caring!
Today's Interviews
Beyond 50: Insights Into Migraine That Ages With Us
Messoud Ashina, MD, PhD, DMSc
Professor of Neurology
Danish Headache Center, Rigshospitalet Glostrup, University of Copenhagen
How Migraine & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Are Connected
James Baraniuk, MD
Georgetown University
Tension Headache or Migraine? Differences and Misdiagnoses
Rebecca C. Burch, MD, FAHS
Assistant Professor of Neurology
University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine
How To Manage Migraine Stigma at Work
Olivia Begasse de Dhaem, MD, FAHS
Headache Specialist
Hartford HealthCare
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- All expert interviews with separate audio (MP3) files & transcripts
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- And much more!